Triangle Empowerment Center

Come and join us for a Dinner


Given for transgender members of

Triangle Empowerment Center, Inc.’s

R.E.A.L.-T Support group and other

Transgender groups of the surrounding area

Maggiano’s Restaurant

8030 Renaissance Parkway, Suite 890

Durham, NC 27713

on Tuesday April 9th, 2013

at 6:00 in the evening

Purpose: To join Lauren Stokeling (a 16 year transgender

activist, and founder of first transgender support group of color

in Baltimore) for an evening conversation concerning health and

the Transgendered population. This dinner includes anyone

who identifies themselves as transgender.

Seats are limited to a “first come, first serve”

basis, so hurry and reserve yours!

This dinner is by invitation ONLY!

All members must R.S.V.P.

via Triangle Empowerment Center:

Phone: 919.423.8902

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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